The Girl With the Golden Hair

There is a girl with golden hair, a boy with a freckled smile, and a girl with a smirk permanently plastered across her face. The freckled boy was in love. The girl with the golden hair was scared. The girl with the smirk permanently plastered across her face was jealous. One girl ran. One girl waited. The boy was broken.

The girl with the golden hair ran. The freckled boy tried to find her. The girl with the smirk permanently plastered across her face found him first.

The girl with a smirk permanently plastered across her face found a broken freckled boy. She tried to put him back together. They thought it worked quite well. The girl with the smirk permanently plastered across her face was satisfied. The freckled boy was happy and never looked back. Was the girl with the golden hair forgotten?

The girl with the golden hair ran away scared.

The girl with the golden hair also looked back.

There is a girl with golden hair, a boy with a freckled smile, and a girl with a smirk permanently plastered across her face. The girl with the smirk permanently plastered across her face was happy, but still jealous. The boy with the freckled smile was in love with a different. The girl with the golden hair was in love with a boy who had a freckled smile.

Selma: Critical Thinking Exercise

Having watched the film “Selma”, talk about the impact that the film can have on society or the audience. Can films change the way people think or act? Are there any examples of other films that have affected society in the way that “Selma” refocused our attention on civil rights in America today and the struggle of the mid 20th century?

To the High School Graduating Class of 2016:

Alright, so here’s where I stand. I am now in college. Having been in college (or CEGEP as we call it in Quebec) for 6 weeks now I have come to understand just how important paying attention in class actually was. In my English class we have to write these ministerial essays to pass the semester and they don’t tell you very many guidelines. They basically said the due date, the format (MLA in this case), and your subject/topic… We also spoke briefly about thesis statements and you wouldn’t believe how many “da fuck is he talking about?”s I saw in that class.

ANNNNNND I learned something from the most unlikely of classes. In my 9th grade French class all we did was short story analysis and of course, being annoying high schoolers, we all bitched and moaned because “where the hell are we gonna use this again?”. Turns out, my college level French midterm is going to be based on a short story that we are writing. The story has to follow a certain structure and I had already learned it and could therefore begin writing sooner than the rest of my class.

So honestly, I bullshiz you not, PAYING ATTENTION IS IMPORTANT! Trust me. What some of my friends wouldn’t give to go back and listen to one more of their teachers’ lectures about sentence structure or thesis statements… PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS!

So yeah… Peace Out. Stay classy xD

Godfather: Review

Perhaps it was because I watched the second movie before the first that I developed this opinion, but The Godfather did not engage me as much as I was led to believe it would. In general, crime films have a high rate of interest because they have certain stereotypes that we find humorous or rude. Many of these stereotypes stem from The Godfather’s characters and scenarios and because of this, younger audiences, such as myself, are not inclined to make these connections.

I now see many connections between The Godfather and other films that share the same genre, but at the time I did not see what others found so intriguing.

I can safely say that I did not enjoy this film. Be it because I didn’t find the accents comprehendible or that I missed parts of the video because of the taller people in front of me, all the same, I have legitimate reasons to believe that this film was well made.

The story line was too similar to nearly every crime drama ever made. This made for an easy read of what the events to come would be. After the first 10 minutes of the film, or rather 30 because the initial part was long and drawn out, the plot for the rest of the film was made evident.

After 3 hours, and numerous classes, of sitting through this movie I realized the main issue with the film. The events that took place were too long for my generations short attentions span. Nowadays teens are constantly flicking from one thing to the next and in films of the 21st century we see the same. Most scenes in todays film would last no longer than 2 minutes and that is stretching it. The scenes in The Godfather are much longer than this average and therefore we, the younger audience, cannot focus on the dialogue long enough to comprehend the situation.

TV Shows I Still Remember Watching As a Kid

So as a kid who grew up in the 2000’s (mostly) I have quite a few favourite TV shows that are no longer airing (who knew I was that old, am I right?!)… So I thought it would be fun to remind people what we knew and loved as kids… AND here’s a challenge! Try and sing the theme song to each of these shows and comment how many you can actually remember then watch the videos and see how close (or incredibly far) you were from the actual thing (Click the title for a link to the theme songs). Good luck!

Sailor Moon


Maggie and the Ferocious Beast




Kim Possible


The Proud Family


American Dragon: Jake Long


Winx CLub(The real one)

The Winx (7)

Dragon Tales




The Replacements



THe Little mermaid


pb&j ottertumblr_m5ud43EvG81r79nqko1_500

Suite life of zack & cody


the weekenders


Lloyd in space


Danny Phantom


teen titans (the real one)


Liberty’s Kids

LibkidsmenuMAgic school bus

My dad is a rock star


Foster’s Home For imaginary friends


Codename: Kids next door






hannah montana


wizards of waverly placE


lazy town






toy castle




Strawberry ShortcakePress-Image-Strawberry-Shortcake1

So of course there are other shows I remember (or at least that I watched), but writing that full list could take me some serious time… So for now I’ll just stick with these ones. Hopefully you guys did good on the challenge! There are 33 shows on this post so hopefully you did better than me (I got like 20-something)….

Balance: Right and Wrong Actions

In my contemporary world class we are watching the movie Saving Private Ryan. The film’s perspective on right and wrong differentiated between characters. In this article I am going to explain the benefits and drawbacks and the morality of the characters choices. Instead of naming and going through each character I am going to do an ‘in general’ article. This may get confusing so I am going to divide it into sections.

Part 1: The Bad Kind of Good
Army regulations state that after the enemy has surrendered he or she is to be kept alive (without deliberate death). During the attack of Normandy (as per the movie) many German soldiers surrendered, but were still killed out of the troops anger towards them. Perhaps the troops thought they were doing good by ridding the world of Germans and at that exact moment many people would have agreed with them. Looking back now without such a strong sense of the danger the Germans we can see that what the troops did was wrong.

Every Disney Princess Is Related (More or Less)

Disney-logoOne of my favorite conspiracy theories is the Disney princess theory. I’ve basically taken the Frozen-Tangled theory and put it on steroids. Since there are way too many Disney princesses for me to explain all of their connections to each other I just gonna keep going until my hands want to fall off my arms.

#1. Anna is related to Elsa (duh!). The movie Frozen directly states this.
-Elsa is adopted which is why she looks nothing like her dark-haired relatives
#2. Anna is related to Rapunzel because they’re mothers are sisters.
-Similar facial and body features (ex. eyes).
#3. Elsa is Cinderella’s grand daughter, (she got her powers from her mother’s story) she has her grandmother’s hair and eyes and her mother’s pale skin.

Now to a different section (2) (we’ll link them back again later)
#4. Ariel’s mother is Merida. After leaving Atlantica as a teen, Merida is taken in by the clan and after fighting for her freedom realizes she still isn’t free on land.
-Merida’s three brothers are the first of a long line of boys
#5. Merida’s brothers are the oldest of Hans’ brothers (Hans is Merida’s younger brother)
-Scotland is an island that south of Norway (where Arendelle is) and Prince Hans is “of the Southern Iles)
#6. Hans’ youngest brother leaves to explore and ends up poor because of his lack of finances.

Section 3
#7. Hans and Merida’s youngest brother, Aladdin, finds himself in Agrabah and meets a beautiful girl named Jasmine whom he falls in love with and marries.
-Jasmine’s daughter is very adventurous, she runs away from home to the east.
#8. Jasmine’s daughter falls in love with a Chinese man named (Fa) and has a beautiful daughter whom she names Mulan.
-Still just as adventurous as her ancestors, Mulan ends up saving all of China, and in the process loses her child who floats away in a basket. Only to be later found by an Indian chief, who is crossing the Bering Straight.
#9. The Indian chief raises the girl as his own and after numerous generations, a daughter by the name of Pocahontas comes along.

Section 4
#10. Princess Aurora has a beautiful son whom she names John.
-John wants to find new land and for his mother goes on an expedition with a mean old fat guy and his dog Percy.
#11. John meets a beautiful native girl who he falls in love with, but must leave behind.
– After returning home John realizes he must follow his heart, but it is too late.
#12. John’s lost love Pocahontas is tormented by her loss and tries to cross the ocean to find John.
– She fails and ends up in New Orleans.
#13. Pocahontas has a daughter with a poor black man and names her Tatianna.

Section 5
#14. The black magic used on Tatianna and her husband,catches up with them and makes them change and they leave New Orleans to hide.
-They colonize Atlantis.
#15. Tatianna’s descendants have evolved to fit Atlantis’ climat better. Her (many greats) great-grand daughter, Kida still has that curious gene.
#16. Atlantis’ gems were brought to them by strange men who mined gems for a living… Dwarfs, maybe?

Section 6
#17. Belle has a beautiful dark haired daughter, but the witch from the Beast’s past comes back to exact revenge.
-The witch locks Belle’s daughter away in a tower
#18. Drusilla (Cinderella’s stepsister) married the Prince after Cindy’s unfortunate passing.
– Drusilla passes quickly and Lady Tremaine is left to tend to Cinderella and the Prince’s daughter.
#19. Snow White is kept away from the world by Lady Tremaine to keep her unhappy.

Final Section

o Snow White runs away with her Prince, but can’t deal with her daughter’s magic and gives her to a lonely King and Queen who live in Arendelle with their infant, Anna.
o Kida meets Milo, an English man who has a numerous number of great-great grandfathers by the name of John
o After Atlantis is submerged completely it becomes inhabited by mer-people and becomes Altantica

Hopefully I made this clear enough… And if I forgot a princess let me know… But I tried my best and you have to admit this level of depth is pretty impressive for some random blogger.

Peace Out, Courtney