The Power of One

In Contemporary World (the class not the actual thing) my class watched the movie Schindler’s List. I say “my class” and not “we” because I was absent at that time and didn’t even know we had this project until I returned from March Break (thanks for nothing friends who might have given me a heads up). I have NOT seen the movie yet (although I do plan to rent it this weekend) so I am just going to choose one of the major themes (that I found online) and write an article about that. By the way the reason I am not just watching the movie before writing this is because it is due before I will have the chance. So, here it goes, my post on “The Power of One”.

It goes without saying that humanity makes us want for individuality. We strive to achieve some higher purpose that allows us to be remembered for thousands of years to come. Some people want to rule the world and some want simpler things like to high five the world’s tallest man. The point is that you can achieve these goals whatever they may be as long as you set your mind to it. Now, you’re probably thinking “great another one of those ‘you can do anything’ articles” and I won’t lie that’s probably what this is going to turn out to be, but just know that everything I say is (more or less) true and possible.

Examples of how a single man changed the world as we know it can be found nearly everywhere. Take Galileo for instance, by questioning authority he discovered that the world was round and that the sun was the center of the universe (not Earth which the Churches had previously preached about). If it wasn’t for him America might not have been discovered at all. If Christopher Columbus hadn’t thought that he could travel around the world to Asia he would never have set sail and ran headlong into the Native Americans. Now, maybe that’s a bit too old of an example for your liking so I’ll skip forward a few centuries.

Martin Luther King Jr. was one man who had a dream. He attained his dream without violence and created a better world for African-Americans throughout America.

Don’t think I am forgetting about girl power! Marilyn Monroe was an iconic sex symbol who not only made curves sexy, but taught girls everywhere to love their bodies, not because they were thin or petite, but because the were voluptuous. She paved the way for all of today’s modern singers and actors. I mean how do you think we would have reacted as a society to Fat Amy if it weren’t for Marilyn showing us how sexy having a shape was.

What I am saying is you can change the world in the biggest of ways with the smallest of actions. In case you still don’t believe me here are a few names that you can search up yourself about people attaining their dreams.

Beethoven, Picasso, Michelangelo, Plato, Einstein, Newton, Darwin, Mother Theresa, Madonna, Queen Elizabeth, Emily Bronte… And if I continued I could probably create an entire website about people who made a difference.

Remember, you can be one of these people as long as you never give up.