
OK. So when I was younger (a lot of back in the day posts recently since graduation is soon) there was this channel that I wasn’t always allowed to watch… But when I did it was awesome because the shows were awesome! After a while of not watching these shows cause my dad got rid of the channel I completely forgot what it was called. After googling one of the shows I had watched I found out that the channel was called Jetix. In honour of me finding the name of the channel I thought it would be fun to create a list of the TOP 10 JETIX tv shows. So here it is,in order of awesomeness and based on my personal opinion, the best JETIX TV shows!

10. Pucca


9. What’s with Andy?04TV476_1

8. Captain Flamingo3

7. Kid VS. KatKid_Vs_Kat

6. Dragon Booster173897_full

5. Grossologybanner_2170

4. Monster Buster Club (MBC)


3. Chaotic


2. World of Quest51EypEujIBL._SX940_

1. W.I.T.C.H.W.I.T.C.H._characters_in_TV_series

TOP 10 Foods You Should NEVER Eat On A First Date

                                                                                 1. Spaghetti or Stringy, Saucy Pasta


Not a good idea in general, but especially on a first date. I am quite sure that there is no “right way” to eat spaghetti… Honestly, as a teen I have never seen someone eating this dish while looking classy and/or sophisticated. (Also, if you must eat this black and maroon are the best colours since the sauce will blend into it or at least be less visible)

2. Wings (Buffalo, Chicken…)

4102772789_0ac258574a_zAlthough this spicy, tangy, juicy meat dish may seem appealing, I assure you it is not a good idea. Finger food is fine whenever sauce isn’t involved. Wings are actually quite difficult to eat because of their shape eating the meat in the centre makes the ends (covered in sauce) touch your cheeks. Also some wings can give you those tiny strings of meat that just love getting stuck in your teeth.

3. Ribs


Just looking at this picture my mouth is watering… But just like with the wings the amount of barbecue sauce on these savoury ribs is hazardous to your facial cleanliness as well as your dignity.

4. Excessive Garlic


Of course in a small proportion garlic won’t be a danger to your breath, but if you’re someone who loves piling on an excess amount of garlic you may want to hold off until after day one. Of course if you don’t plan on getting that close to your date it is less of a problem, but be aware of how close is too close… Because man does garlic ever STINK!

5. Corn on the Cob


Although amazingly olaftastic, corn on the cob is pretty hard to eat without a) looking like a pig or b) having warm butter drip down your chin. Assuming you want to keep hold of your dignity, these two events are not particularly favourable in the case of a first date. But by all means once you know the person pig out, ’cause let’s be honest, this stuff is good.

6. Ice Cream Cones


OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH! Ok so I love ice cream, but when I was out with friends the other day, I realized just how awkward eating an ice cream cone is in public, let alone on a date… You’re basically sticking your tongue out into the world from any random creeper (Minecraft reference!) to see… Not to mention that you are licking a dripping cone filled with white (or chocolate or whatever weird flavours you people like) semi-liquid substance… For those of you who get it ‘nough said. For those of you who don’t you’re probably not old enough to be dating.

7. Carbonated Drinks


So, in general I am not one who enjoys these fizzy drinks, but if you’re someone who does you’re probably aware of what those little bubbles do to you. They make you want/have to burp… A lot. This is seriously frowned upon if you’re having a serious date… There are exceptions of course… But in general unintentional burping is not a good thing to promote.

8. Tacos/Fajitas/Those other ones that are basically the same thing


Who doesn’t like a good old taco ? The answer… You’re outfit. I know from personal experience just how hard it can be to eat a taco without all you’re stuff inside falling out… Or the shell breaking… But on a date it’s probably better to not risk it seeing as you have a very low chance of successfully eating a taco.

9. Salad


Salad is always a healthy option, but you don’t want to come off as one of those people who starves themselves… It can (apparently) be taken as an insult if you don’t just accept an actual meal from your date… But salad is always good for an appetizer!

10. Filet Mignon


Do not be alarmed this dish is not particularly difficult to eat, nor does it give you gas, but it is pricey. On a first date you’re trying to make a first impression, so buying the most expensive thing possible may say “I am worth the cash!” or it could be saying “Date me and you’ll be broke in a week!” So, find a happy medium between pricey and cheap.

Hopefully I have aided you in you’re first date meal choosing plans… For more TOPS (top 10 or 5 or however many more) comment your ideas below! Subscribe to the blog!!!

Peace Out! -Courtney-

Top 5 Ways to Fake an Illness

Have you ever had those days where you just didn’t want to go to school? Me too and that is how I developed my list of the best ways to NOT have to go. Whether it’s the Monday Blues or the OMG-I-Didn’t-Study-For-My-Big-Exam sickness, it is always a good idea to know what your options are when it comes to fake illnesses. The following are Illnesses that I have seen in action hopefully you are successful in your stay-at-home needs.

5. Headaches/Migraines

MigraineHaving a really bad headache or migraine is something that you can’t observe from the outside. If you claim to have either of these your parents can’t prove that you’re lying. Although, a lot of people don’t think that these are serious enough to result in a day off.

4. Chills/Sweats

Boy_Face_from_VenezuelaWrap yourself tightly in a thick blanket until you’re boiling hot. Then complain that you’re really cold. If you’ve managed to warm yourself enough then your parents are likely to assume you have a fever and then you’re home free. This generally results in a lazy day of sleeping in, playing video games, or watching Netflix.

3. Too Tired

Sleep_womanDon’t be fooled, although this may seem like a really lame excuse, claiming that your are too tired actually has pretty good results. If you aren’t usually a lazy person, this excuse works better. (Note: If you were out really late the night before don’t try to use this excuse because a some point it becomes your own idiocy rather than a fake illness keeping you from waking up) Here is what you tell your parents: Basically, when you’re really tired it is your body’s way of telling you to sleep more to fix a problem because sleep is one of the best ways to allow your body to heal. If you’re tired then your body could be telling you about an oncoming problem that you may not be showing symptoms of. It’s not fact or anything, but with a good enough appearance of fact your parents just might believe you.

4. VomitingOld_toilet_with_elevated_cistern_and_chain

A good old fashioned 24 hour bug can be just the thing for getting you out of those tedious classes. DO NOT FORCE YOURSELF TO THROUGH-UP! I cannot stress this enough. Take whatever orange, yellow, or brown liquid you have in your kitchen and mix it with something green, red, or yellow (don’t use yellow and yellow since the effect won’t be the same). Mix these together and pour them into your toilet (splashing it slightly in helps add effect if your family member is close by). Dab water on your forehead. If you’re longhaired out your hair in a ponytail and pull out a couple strands. If you’re shorthaired shake your hair out in a “bed head” effect.

1. Diarrhea Doh

Very few people will question you if you are having trouble leaving the toilet seat for more than a few minutes. Eat very little around your parents and rush to the bathroom a few minutes after you eat. Come out sweaty(dab water on your face) and who won’t believe you have a case of the most embarrassing reason to stay home.

Good luck with all your fake illnesses! Like this post and comment for any more weird Top 5s or How To’s!

Top 5 Reasons Communism Will NEVER WORK

I am a firm believer that in its purest state communism would be the best thing man kind could ever do for themselves. But honestly it will never work and here are my top five reasons why.

1. Human nature makes us always want to improve ourselves(which wont happen if we arent rewared).

2. There will always be that one person who takes more.

3. No two people could be perfectly equal because there is never a set amount of happiness or effort that can be doled out.

4. Policing would have to be against the law since you wouldn’t have the right to “control” another human.

5. Politics would suck and we would never get anything done without orginisation.

With this in mind we can see why communism usually becomes dictatorial.

Why Kids Hate School

So as it turns out I never posted this article and in believing that I had, I erased the videos I had taken from my phone. This seemed to have also deleted them from the draft I had saved on WordPress. What I am getting to is that my extremely interesting article (which was more of a voxpop video collage) will not be posted. Instead I am going to write a brief summary of what each person said by memory. I will not use any names and the opinions are not word for word. I will use numbers 1 through 6 to indicate which participant I am talking about.

1. I hate school because there are so many b***** that no one is allowed to be who they want.

2. I hate school because it takes time away from my video gaming.

3. I think kids hate school because they don’t understand what they have until it’s gone.

4. I think kids hate school because they have to actually do something.

5. I hate school because the people don’t understand me and they treat me like something I’m not.

6. I hate school because of my teachers.

I apologize if any of these citations are offensive. The opinions were not mine. They were the opinions of adults as well as kids and teens.